Saturday, October 15, 2022

Best Sleeping Position in Pregnancy

Sleeping during pregnancy presents several difficulties, leaving you frequently worn out. However, if you experiment with different sleeping positions when pregnant, you might find the most comfortable one and get enough rest. Early on in their pregnancies, many women might be able to sleep in their regular positions. But as your pregnancy grows and your belly bump gets bigger, you'll need to try new sleeping positions.

Let’s Quickly Jumps into the Types of Sleeping Positions :

The three most popular sleeping positions are on the side, the back, and the stomach.

1. The Trimester

Since the uterus is not yet big enough to be uncomfortable in any position, you have the convenience of sleeping in all three positions throughout the first trimester. However, since you will need to move to a side-sleeping posture in subsequent trimesters, you can use the first trimester as a period to prepare yourself to sleep on the side, ideally the left side.

Early pregnancy practise can help you develop the habit of sleeping peacefully afterwards. Get Treated by one of the best gynecologist in Indore, it will be a better start.

2. Second Trimester

You should refrain from sleeping on your stomach after the second trimester. However, if you choose to do so, you may do so for a maximum of 16 weeks before ceasing.

As the belly grows, sleeping on one's stomach may become painful because it might squeeze the uterus and blood vessels. While you are pregnant, you must quit sleeping on your back because your uterus is large enough to potentially obstruct the inferior vena cava, a vein that, when you are on your back, delivers deoxygenated blood from your lower body to your heart.

Compression of these blood veins could obstruct the baby's and placenta's blood flow. You might eventually experience Nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath as a result.

The healthiest sleeping position for a
pregnant woman is on her side, so if you are accustomed to doing so, stick with it. By the 20th week, if you're not yet, you must start sleeping on your side because if you don't, your uterus will enlarge to the point where it will squeeze your major blood veins.

3. Third Trimester
From the third trimester, you must only sleep on your sides, ideally the
left side. The placenta and other thoracic organs, such the kidneys, can receive enough blood by sleeping on the left side.

According to research, sleeping on one's right side has no negative effects. However, as it has often been recognised to have no difficulties, you might want to sleep on your left side.

What If You Find Yourself Sleeping Accidentally On Your Back?

Even if you slept on your sides and find yourself waking up on your back in the morning, you shouldn't be alarmed. There are no negative effects from occasionally lying on your back for a short period of time. You can adjust your position if you realise you are lying on your back when you wake up in the middle of the night. For expertised consultation you need look for a lady doctor in Indore, she could help you to take the right decisions.

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