Thursday, March 3, 2022

Tips for Self-Breast Examination

 A breast self-exam involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes. Many breast problems are first discovered by women themselves, often by accident. Breast lumps can be noncancerous (benign) or cancerous.

Monthly procedure:

Women should do a breast self-exam every month to look and feel for changes. Regular breast exams can help you maintain breast health and detect cancer early when it is easier to treat and more likely to be cured. Most lumps and abnormalities aren't cancer, but you should still report changes to your doctor.

Work in circles:

Examine the remaining breast tissue using the up-and-down vertical stripe pattern until you reach the middle of your chest. Place your non-palpating hand down at your side, make a row of circles above and below your collarbone, working from your shoulder to your midline. Get in touch with the best gynecologist in Indore. 

Right Pressure:

Use three different levels of pressure to feel all of your breast tissue. Light pressure is needed to feel the tissue close to the skin surface. Medium pressure is used to feel a little deeper, and firm pressure handles your tissue close to your breastbone and ribs. Avoid lifting your fingers away from the skin as you fish for lumps, unusual thicknesses, or changes of any kind.

While you shower:

You may also check them while in the shower. Soapy fingers slide effortlessly across the breast and make it easier to feel changes. While standing in a storm, place one arm over your head and lightly soap your breast on that side. Then, using the flat surface of your fingers—not the fingertips—gently move your hand over your breast, feeling carefully for any lumps or thickened areas.

Best Time:

The best time to examine your breasts is usually one week after your menstrual period starts, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen or tender. Reading your breasts at other times in your menstrual cycle may make it hard to compare the results of one exam with another.

Contact the gynecologist Indore. 

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