That's why it's helpful to find out more about labor and birth. Understanding more about your options, and the pros and cons of each, can help you feel more confident in making decisions about how you want to deliver your baby. You can also talk to your midwife if there is anything you're particularly concerned about.
Meditation and Distressing:
Meditation and visualization can help you relax through
Pregnancy and during labor. Even if
your Labor doesn't go the way you planned, you may still be able to use the
techniques you've learned.
Prepare your birth
A birth plan can be a valuable way of communicating all your
wishes, concerns, and choices quickly and effectively, particularly when you
move to active labor and may not want to (or be able to) have long discussions
with your midwife or if there's a staff change. Remember that labor doesn't always go to plan the
day, so you may have to be a little flexible. Get in touch with the gynecologist in Indore for more.
Body Preparation:
You could try finding out about antenatal exercise classes
near you. For example, a pregnancy yoga class can be beneficial. It will help
you get your baby in a good position for birth, teach you assignments to help
you through labor, and provide some
relaxation and breathing techniques to help you stay calm. Any type of exercise
is suitable, though.
Mind Preparation:
Try not to listen to horror stories about labor, as these are unhelpful if you're
feeling nervous. Try to remember that for every bad experience, there is a mum
out there with a positive story to tell. This can be hard, especially if you've
had a bad experience. But try to think positively as much as possible.